Sinan Cem Eroğlu
"Sinan Cem Eroglu is some of the best instrumentalist and the first modern virtuoso of kaval in today's Turkish Folk Music..." - Songlines Magazine - Francesco Martinelli
"There is no doubt that Eroglu performs in all roles with a significant degree of skill that may be considered prodigious." - Songlines Magazine - Michael Galea

Erol Josué
Erol Josué was ordained as a priest of voodoo, also known as vodou, at the age of 17, and has since become a vocal advocate for the religion and its traditions. He has worked to dispel myths and stereotypes surrounding voodoo and to promote understanding and tolerance of Haitian culture both in Haiti and abroad.

Sanba Zao: Haitian Master Drummer & Teacher from Lakou Mizik.
Sanba Zao (Louis Lesly Marcelin) is a legend of the racine (roots) music movement in Haiti. A founder of the country’s back to the earth movement, Sanba Zao has been on the musical scene for nearly 30 years. He is not only a master drummer with an encyclopedic knowledge of traditional songs and rhythms; Zao is a ferocious frontman with a powerful voice and unstoppable energy.