Trad.Attack!: From Estonia to the World.

Photo: Jelena Rudi

Photo: Jelena Rudi

It takes a whole lot of courage to take something old and sacred, something that has been passed down the generations in secrecy, and drag it out into the daylight of the 21st century. In the hands of Trad.Attack!, this mystical something reveals its long-forgotten roots in a catching, ultra-modern way. They are in-your-face: no begging, no pleading. They don't hesitate to break rules and boundaries in music.

Photo: Maris Savik

Photo: Maris Savik

Trad.Attack! has really turned Estonian music scene upside down by bringing traditional music and long vanished village voices to the big stages, building a modern world and impressively big sound around its archaic sounds. It is often said that the band with its three members sounds so big that you would think there's much more people on the stage.

Photo: Silver Tõnisson

Photo: Silver Tõnisson

All three band members grew up with music around them and each had been active on the Estonian music scene for more than 15 years before they started Trad.Attack! in 2013. In the beginning, it was meant to be just simple, fun and experimental. Surprisingly for the band, their first tune “Kooreke” became a hit in Estonia… Since then, the band has received 25 music awards in Estonia and released 5 albums. The last album Make Your Move (2020) made it to the Grammy’s pre-selection list. While realising their huge musical ambition, Trad.Attack! also pursues a masterplan – to play live in every country of the world.

Photo: Silver Tõnisson

Photo: Silver Tõnisson

This is the only way for people to experience the striking emotions that this unique band evokes. In the eight years since coming together, Trad.Attack! has reached every continent and performed in 37 countries at significant festivals such as the Woodford Folk Festival (Australia), Womad (UK, Chile), Rainforest World Music Festival (Malaysia), Vancouver Folk Festival (Canada) and WOMEX showcase festival. And now there are only 158 countries still to experience the power of Trad.Attack!.


Photo: Silver Tõnisson

Photo: Silver Tõnisson

Sandra Vabarna – vocals, Estonian bagpipe, Jew’s harp, whistles, clockenspiel

Photo: Silver Tõnisson

Photo: Silver Tõnisson

Jalmar Vabarna – vocals, 12-string guitar

Photo: Silver Tõnisson

Photo: Silver Tõnisson

Tõnu Tubli – vocals, drums, trombone, clockenspiel


Quetzal - music as community, cultural vitality, and transformation.


Opium Moon