Seoul-based trio Dongyang Gozupa – the name translates as “Eastern High-frequency” – provides a clue to their music – a trail-blazing, percussion-driven sound with the Yanggeum at its centre.
Bassist Minhwi Ham and his tightly choreographed interactions with drummer Jang Do Hyuk provide a canvas for the cascading colours deftly applied by Yun Eun Hwa on Yanggeum (Korean hammered dulcimer), who seems to have incorporated stylistic influences from the global family of hammered instruments into her melodic inventions, evoking intimations of Qanun, Santur and Cimbalom.
The first album, Surface, raised international underground attention, which they followed in 2020 with their 21-minute single, Creature, a tightly constructed psychedelic romp through multiple moods.