Zikr Project: Sufi tradition & trance rhythms

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ZIKR PROJECT brings together acclaimed veteran global music producer and composer JEF STOTT and master musician and composer MAH ZE TAR in collaboration on a fusion of modern cinematic ambient music with the mystical traditions of the Near East.


Working with rich musical traditions on a wide array of instruments from Iran, Turkey and North Africa, played live by both members of the group, the ZIKR PROJECT presents a deep musical journey within each track, evoking the spinning of dervishes, Rumi’s reveries and ancient sacred traditions. This is medicine music for modern mystics.


The mystical ney flute of the Sufi tradition, trance rhythms of ancient ceremony, ambient vocal echoes of distant lands, and the iconic melodies of the oud, rebab and saz come together in harmony with masterful and deep sonic landscapes. The music presented guides us to go deep into meditative space while inviting the somatic body to move along in sacred synchronized movement.


Each composition from ZIKR PROJECT will be explored and expanded through alternative ambient and ecstatic dance remixes that will cover the wide range of this profound and beautiful mystical music.


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